The 10 minute new-year task to power your business

2 January 2024

Update January 2025: we published this article at the start of 2024 but it has been popular with our readers, and remains just as relevant today.

Introducing the 10 minute new year task that could power your business in 2024.

For a growing business, or those facing new challenges, maximising your efficiency is critical. 2024 already looks like a year filled with uncertainty, and making sure you’re working smartly and capturing critical data that could improve your processes is the best way to protect and advance your firm.

But in SMEs the struggle is how to maximise the little time you have to work ON your business when you are daily needed to work IN it. So here’s a simple way to kickstart your plans for 2024 – establishing whether your business systems are rocket fuel for your team or a patch of oil waiting to send them tumbling.

10 minutes to assess your business systems

Our free, no obligation audit helps you to judge how well your critical business systems are working. It will surface issues that may be being ignored and identifies where improvements might help you to achieve your 2024 plans.

Our business system audit covers vital issues such as:

  • Whether you can access real time reporting on tasks and operations
  • If your records are accurate or open to error and duplication
  • How easily you can view business running costs and other decision-making data
  • Whether customer data is secure
  • How well your different business software is connected up

Whether you’re a business leader or an IT expert wanting to get a fix on how you’re doing, our audit will give you an initial score in just 10 minutes – without the need to input specific data. A valuable use of a coffee break.

Decent Group believes that business systems should do exactly what you need them to do – nothing more or less – in the way that you want them to work. We’ve been designing bespoke systems that businesses rely on and love for years. We know that only by understanding your unique needs and opportunities can a system be designed that will truly fuel your performance.

As an independent SME we can scope and price a system to suit your needs. Decent systems start from £10,000 and can be rolled out in a matter of months. They are built on an Apple-owned platform, so support and future-proofing comes as standard.

Take the audit now

Audit your business here. Take 10 minutes this new year to start the journey towards improved performance.

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Download our business system self-audit.

Put together to help SMEs evaluate efficiency and identify the potential for software-driven improvements.

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We typically explore how SMEs can (and should) leverage business systems to achieve tangible benefits. We dive into a recent project and what it delivered for our client, with lessons for businesses like yours. We'll also highlight the new tools and solutions our team has been developing and the impact they’re having on our clients (and ourselves). And we cover any relevant FileMaker news and what actions you can take in response.

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