How do you find a good FileMaker developer?

12 September 2024

What’s the secret to finding a good Claris FileMaker developer? There’s no single, simple way to find the right developer for you, but we’ve identified some of the most important things to look for – and they’re not necessarily what you might expect.

The key is to realise that a good FileMaker developer is not simply someone who is technically skilled. That’s important, but it’s not the whole story. What matters is what you can do with your skills. A technically skilled developer who doesn’t understand the needs of the users will very likely fail to create a useful tool or system.

Real, proven experience

So, first, you need a developer who can produce a tool or a system that fits the needs of its users. Here there is no substitute for real, proven experience. You need real world evidence of this – proof that the developer can achieve these kinds of results. Look for case studies: detailed accounts of the challenge, how it was solved, and the results generated. This isn’t just about the technical details but outcomes. What difference did the tool make to its users? And beyond that, what difference did the tool make to the business’s success?

Quotes are the other line of essential evidence here. What did the users say? What did the boss of the business say? If the evidence looks promising then you’ve achieved the first step.

Personal connection

Secondly, though, there’s a simple criterion that many overlook. Do you like the developer? Do you click? This question of chemistry, or a meeting of minds, may seem like a nice-to-have but it’s much more than that. A personal connection quickly yields concrete, positive results. It rapidly generates trust between the two parties, which leads to more effective communication, which leads to more efficient working relationships. This is key: clarity and mutual understanding will solve issues before they become problems and will find solutions much more quickly.

Business understanding

Thirdly, look for a developer who understands your business. How can you tell? By talking to them. The questions they ask you will be revealing. If they ask in detail about how you work, the processes you use, the products or services you deliver, and the goals you want to achieve, then these are positive signs and good evidence that you’re talking to a developer who can achieve results with their FileMaker skills.

Evidence of skills

Fourthly, what concrete evidence is there of actual FileMaker expertise? You might think that this would be the first point on this list, but it’s not because what really matters is results. However, results depend on technical skills. And indeed there are official Claris qualifications for FileMaker developers. But caution is needed here.

Until recently, Claris FileMaker certification was something you could earn by taking the Developer Essentials exam. This was a tough challenge – an actual exam, in strict, traditional exam conditions. It was extremely difficult to pass, but certification genuinely proved you knew FileMaker inside out. You were a true FileMaker expert.

Recently, however, Claris has modernised its credentials with a new system of badges. Different badges cover different aspects of FileMaker, and there are basic, intermediate and advanced badges. To gain a badge you take a relatively short test of around 20 multiple choice questions. These tests are much easier than the exam. The reasoning seems sound enough: because Developer Essentials certification was so hard, it deterred developers from getting recognition and acted as a disincentive for improving your skills. But the tests have gone to the other extreme. You can take as long as you like and you have free access to the internet, ChatGPT, your developer friends and FileMaker itself.

So unfortunately the badges aren’t a guarantee of an individual’s skill with FileMaker, unlike the Developer Essentials certification. However, even certification doesn’t demonstrate the ability to apply FileMaker.

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The ultimate evidence

There is a third form of official accreditation – Claris Platinum Partner status. You can’t apply for it. It is awarded by Claris according to their own criteria and they have always been very careful about handing it out. All the Platinum Partners are very good – not only at using FileMaker but also, critically, applying it to real world problems. But because there are only small numbers of Platinum Partners, many organisations will need to find developers without Platinum status.

So look for the evidence we’ve outlined above: proven experience; a personal connection; business understanding; and last of all, evidence of skills. Finally, remember that the proof is in the pudding – a track record of successful projects.

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