Accelerate your growth with business process analysis

Discover exactly where and how your business can be improved, with a rigorous and impartial analysis of your business processes. We map out what each part of your business does, identify the bottlenecks and blockers, and recommend changes to your processes or systems. You’ll gain a whole new clarity about how to work better and smarter.

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“The relationship is so powerful. They can see through the business problem, unpuzzle it and rebuild it into something that has business impact.”

Finance Director

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What business process analysis offers

Our business process analysis shows you your organisation from a new and illuminating perspective. It’s essentially a way of seeing how your business does what it does in a single picture – a view of the entire process from start to finish. 

After spending time in every department, we discover and document what your teams are doing and arrive at a process flow, identifying who does what (and, where applicable, the systems used) at each stage.

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Instead of writing this down as a report, we present it visually, using process flow diagrams to give a bird’s eye view of how your business works. You get the big picture in a quick, clear format. Once you have that perspective, it’s easy to spot the challenges and discuss solutions. 

If necessary we also recommend changes to your processes and systems: how to get from where you are now to where you want to be in the shortest distance possible. However, the process mapping exercise is a valuable thing to do in its own right. It often raises non-systems questions (staffing levels, discipline, leadership, physical space) that you can then plan solutions for.

Ways to improve how you work

How we work with you


We listen to people in every part of your business, write down what they say, and draw it out on a diagram that reveals your true workflows.


We look closely across the process flow to see how well it supports your business objectives. Where does a smooth flow become slow or turbulent?


We propose any changes we think will improve your ways of working and help you achieve your business goals.

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Case study

Bespoke software optimises a business’s entire processes

This food business needs to keep track of hundreds of very different products to ensure great customers service. We created their system from scratch – a perfect fit for each of their processes. Since then the business has grown – without increasing staff numbers.

More on this
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“Their technical knowledge and systems analysis capabilities are great - they can see and understand what our issues are.”

David Yearley

Managing Director / Head of Play Safety, RoSPA Play Safety

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