Get the advice you need to transform your business

We are experts at identifying the places where your systems and processes could be holding you back, and have helped hundreds of businesses to work better. With a rare combination of deep technical expertise and strategic business perspective, we can put our finger on issues that you may not be aware of – and we will suggest practical solutions that can boost the future of your business.

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“We’re investing in another company and they’re going through a similar challenge that we had, and we have recommended that they work with Decent Group. It’s very exciting to see the possibilities that they’re able to deliver.”

Nick Shute

Co Founder & Managing Director, Dodds & Shute

We’ve worked with some great people

Why we can see what could be invisible to you

It can be difficult to gain an objective overview when you’re immersed in the challenges of running a business. We can help by coming in and offering a fresh perspective. We will examine your business and build a systematic understanding of how you work and what you want to achieve. This process can be revelatory for you too – you may see your business in a whole new light. 

Our consultancy work is founded on our long experience of working with hundreds of businesses across all kinds of sectors (often taking insights and solutions from one sector to another). We have a deep understanding of how to solve bottlenecks and break down silos to ensure smooth, efficient workflows, generating positive knock-on effects across a business. 

Once we’ve identified what the opportunity is, we have a toolkit of solutions to apply. We start with a big picture analysis but always go one step at a time, starting with the changes that offer the biggest benefits, while minimising disruption.

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The difference we make

We take a consultative approach in all our work. As experts in business software systems, we always need to know ‘why’ our customers want a piece of software – what is the goal they’re trying to achieve or problem they’re trying to solve? We work with you to identify the best solution and biggest positive impact for the business.

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A reliable process for solving your problems

When we begin work on any significant project, we first need to understand your business – in real detail. We embed ourselves in your organisation and spend a lot of time building a thorough understanding of your operation. 

We ask questions of people right across the business, not just senior management. We map out your processes and identify the pinch points and problem areas. We aim to genuinely grasp what you do, how you do it and why you do it – and while doing so we become true partners with an emotional investment in your success. This process puts us in the best possible position to advise you on what needs to improve.

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Here’s how we can help you

Digital transformation and systems strategy

What software will optimise your business for the future? We can work with you to discover what you need and what you may need to change. And we’ll help you put in place a digital transformation strategy.

Business process analysis

Where are the opportunities for improving things in your business? We piece together an objective picture of your processes and the interactions between different teams and departments – and identify what needs to change.

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“Decent Group really do listen and retain the knowledge of what we do, and pass that on to the team. It means that when a new person joins the team they’re already immersed in terms of our nuanced terminology and our ways of working.”

Finance Director

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We typically explore how SMEs can (and should) leverage business systems to achieve tangible benefits. We dive into a recent project and what it delivered for our client, with lessons for businesses like yours. We'll also highlight the new tools and solutions our team has been developing and the impact they’re having on our clients (and ourselves). And we cover any relevant FileMaker news and what actions you can take in response.

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