A game-changing automated layout tool

Our dynamic typesetting software automates the time-consuming process of adding content to an existing page design – it’s perfect for repetitive designs like directories, guides, listings and medical leaflets as well as personalised products. You don’t need to compromise on great design, you’ll save huge amounts of time, and the document will be accurate and error-free. What’s more, the output will be a completely standard InDesign file that your designers can tweak as they need to.

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“We just watch as the system does everything - it's really fast.”

Jasper John

Production Manager, Chambers & Partners

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Eliminate repetitive artworking

Automated layout software is an incredibly quick way to remove the endless repetition of copying and pasting content into a design – which is a job much better done by software than a fallible human being, who will be freed to do something more creative. There’s no compromise on design or creativity. You can simply lay out at scale with complete accuracy.

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Here’s how it works

Detailed rules are set up for how to design and lay out each part of the content. There’s no need to rekey anything or proofread the content as the application will only use the original text in the source documents or database.

Within moments a document is created – as small as a single business card or thousands of pages long – with headings, body text, captions, images, tables and charts all laid out in the correct font and in the correct position. At a stroke you’ll eliminate the hugely labour-intensive work of copying and pasting text, images and data, all the errors that occur, and the considerable costs of employing a creatively skilled person to do this repetitive work.

Some of our clients have found they can produce 400% more publications – and with a smaller team.

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What documents benefit from automation?

  • Personalised products
  • Events listings 
  • Product listings
  • Professional directories
  • Medical leaflets
  • Guides
  • Annual reports
  • Catalogues
  • Any reference material with an index
  • Multi-lingual publications
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Here’s how we can help you 

Directories and reference documents

Create high quality documents, accurately cross-referenced and indexed. 

Product and event listings

Turn your database of information into high quality, fully designed publications within minutes.

Multilingual documents

Rapidly lay out the same document in multiple different languages, with the ability to accommodate languages that read from right to left. 

Personalised artwork

Automatically create personalised artwork files in bulk and at speed.

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Automated page layout tool saves designers months of work

Our automated page layout tool saves Chambers and Partners' design team months of work by assembling legal guides and legal directories overnight. Find out how our InDesign typesetting software transformed their workflow and empowered their designers to fine-tune layouts while enjoying the benefits of layout automation.

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