Expert rescue for a vulnerable mission-critical system

  • Mission-critical business system running on ageing software
  • Complex integrations with other software systems
  • Upgrade is risky and requires care to avoid a system failure


Business software system


Employees depending on the system

The challenge

A respected quality management consultancy was facing a problem with its mission-critical business system. The system was running on a version of Windows Server which was about to become unsupported, alongside a version of Claris FileMaker server which was already unsupported. The situation was becoming urgent, particularly for an organisation in the business of compliance and best practice.

But the fix wasn’t simple. Our client’s Claris FileMaker developer was becoming increasingly concerned about what would happen when the system was moved to a new server and new server software – and he had good reason to be. Some of the features the business relied on had been deprecated and would no longer work, and the system included various software integrations that could go wrong. In fact the entire system could go down.

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Our solution 

The business realised it wasn’t worth risking such disruption to their operation and decided to seek expert assistance, so we were called in for support on the Claris FileMaker upgrade process. Our first step was to leave the live system completely untouched, taking an offline copy to improve and test. We established a full test environment and identified the areas that needed re-engineering — including many JSON functions which are now native in FileMaker. After extensive user testing, we made as much as possible live on to the live server, so the fix was in place ahead of the migration. User downtime was kept to a minimum and a roll-back plan was available in case it was needed — which it wasn’t. Throughout the process we collaborated closely with the existing Claris FileMaker developer so he could understand how to work with the upgraded system.

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The impact

When the new Claris FileMaker system went live for the business any problems had already been ironed out, resulting in a smooth, painless experience.

The upgraded Claris FileMaker system is now running on fully supported software. This means it receives regular security updates which keep the system safe from new cyber threats, as well as bug and performance fixes which keep the system working well.

The transformation journey

Audit of existing system

We took time to understand the FileMaker system, how it’s used by the business, and the different software systems it is integrated with.

Claris FileMaker platform upgrade

We coordinated all the steps necessary to ensure a smooth upgrade, including providing a test environment prior to going live.

Ongoing support

We offer ongoing support for the system, particularly with complex compatibility issues.

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Services used

Claris FileMaker upgrade

Upgrade your Claris FileMaker system to make it more robust, secure and reliable – and you’ll be able to take advantage of new capabilities you didn’t have before.

Transform your existing Claris FileMaker system

Discover how you can transform your underperforming Claris FileMaker system and become a more efficient organisation.

Business process analysis

Accelerate your growth with a view of your entire workflow to identify the places where your processes — as well as your systems — could be improved. 

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Case study

Why the right invoicing system makes growth effortless

FileMaker system transformation and training for IT team

Reinventing a FileMaker system produces big efficiency gains

The scheduling tool managing multiple complex projects

Rapid business growth – supported by bespoke core business system

A bespoke invoicing system for an architectural consultancy delivers major time savings giving the management team greater visibility, a clear overview and control over costs and project progress.

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A complete overhaul of an existing FileMaker system allowed our property finance lender client to streamline all its business processes. We also recruited and trained an IT team to bring systems and solutions skills in-house for ultimate efficiency. 

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We transformed this aluminium die casting manufacturer’s existing FileMaker system, giving them instant access to detailed real time order and production data. The system has virtually eliminated errors, improved efficiency and helped the business to grow. 

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For a growing business, being able to use a single software application to manage your customer orders – right the way from initial enquiry all the way to fulfilment – is a massive game-changer. Especially when you’ve previously been using spreadsheets to get by. This is what we created for Yarn Collective, a textile design business.

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